Wellington is the compact waterfront capital of New Zealand, a trendy city with Victorian architecture and a bustling harbor. Here, you’ll find hip locals with skateboards and tattoos making their way to unique bars and specialized boutiques. Head down to Oriental Bay to walk along the shore only meters away from some of Wellington’s best artistic, culinary, and entertainment options. Make the hike up to the lookout on Mt. Victoria for a stunning view over the city and its teal-blue harbor, and don’t forget to bring your camera.

To see a bit more of the surrounding region, hop on the Interislander Ferry that runs between New Zealand’s North and South Islands. On the 3-hour journey, you’ll get incredible views of the country’s rocky landscape and there’s always a possibility of seeing dolphins, seals, or whales along the way.

Reisende auf dem Weg hierhin

Triff einige der 4 Besucher von Wellington und nimm sie bei dir auf


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  • Mi, Jun 12 um 7:00 NACHMITTAGS NZST
  • Fotos von Tim


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