Eyal Rojstaczer's Photo

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  • 134 references 79 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Spanish; learning Hebrew (modern), Korean, Portuguese
  • 37, Male
  • Member since 2007
  • Making people smile
  • Life teaching me every day
  • From Philadelphia, PA, USA
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

Feeling a bit nomadic these days.

Although my profile says I'm from Philly, I've been living on and off in a bunch of places over the years.


Make other people smile. Not worry about the future.


Home in the US was Philadelphia, then I lived in Denmark, then I was on the road a couple years climbing working and traveling, then went back to Denmark, and back on the road now.
I like to spend a lot of time outdoors, being active, eating, and learning new things.
If there's anything specific you want to know then don't be shy and ask me, or just come and meet me!

IT freelancer and tradooor


Be Happy.
Try new things.
Be good.
Do these, be persistent with what you want, but don't worry because everything works out just great in the end.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

Couchsurfing is just an awesome way to connect with other like-minded and friendly people.


Meeting with CSers and hosting when it was possible.
Going to CS events
From hosting, being hosted, and going to events, have had tons of good experiences!


My first time couchsurfing was in 2007 in San Diego, I met some really great people there. We made a bonfire on Fiesta Island and the next day they took me to a cool artsy sorta street festival with live music and people selling stuff. I got hooked after that.

I‘ve hosted a lot of Couchsurfers and been hosted a lot too :)


In no particular order… Yerba Mate, Being Outdoors, food, Guitar, Climbing, Hammocks, naps, yoga, the humor in everything,
Gorillas, Languages, Hiking, Relaxing, Healthy lifestyle
Camping, People Watching, Biking, Philosophizing

  • animals
  • cats
  • yoga
  • meditation
  • guitar
  • outdoor activities
  • hiking
  • camping
  • languages
  • mountains
  • nature
  • climbing
  • bicycles
  • merino wool

Music, Movies, and Books

I listen to a lot of acoustic guitar and classical type music, then some rock prob from a couple decades ago, and then some música latina (sorry to group it as there are so many types)

Way of the Peaceful Warrior
The Kingkiller Chronicles
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

Lately watching more Korean and Japanese movies and series
Have always liked older Mafia-type movies, Ip Man, and The Motorcycle Diaries.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Lived and Worked in a small city in Honduras for two years.

Dulce de Leche

Everyday Life

Teach, Learn, Share

Learn: language (studying Korean), cultures, ways of living, and exercises so my body always feels good :D

Teach/Share: My experiences from traveling, studying. Couchsurfing. Spanish. English. A good conversation.

What I Can Share with Hosts

Depending how much free time I have then I'm happy to offer whatever I can.

Countries I’ve Visited

Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, England, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Malaysia, Mexico, Montenegro, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Northern Ireland, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States, Uzbekistan, Viet Nam

Countries I’ve Lived In

Australia, Denmark, Ecuador, Honduras, New Zealand, United States, Viet Nam

Old School Badges

  • 26 Vouches
  • Pioneer Badge

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