Lviv is Ukraine’s number-one tourist destination, boasting extravagant cathedrals, and romantic courtyards. Visitors can begin at Market Square, surrounded by wonderful architecture and some of the city’s best cafés, where you can stop to sip a coffee and watch endless streams of people walk by. From there, set out to explore Lviv’s Old Town and climb the tower of the Old Town Hall for a great view of the city center. Stop in one of the delicious restaurants in Old Town to drink a local Lvivske beer and eat some authentic pierogi.

Head over to Prospect Svobody, Lviv’s central pedestrian boulevard, which hosts the city’s fabulous Easter and Christmas Markets during the holidays. The street ends at the Lviv Theatre of Opera and Ballet, one of the most beautiful buildings in the whole city. Hike to the top of Castle Hill, which borders the Old Town, for another awesome view of the city and even the Carpathian Mountains on a clear day.

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